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Police Chief Offers His Thoughts on McClintic Transfer

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Woodstock Police Chief Bill Renton shares his thoughts on Terri Lynne McClintic's transfer to an aboriginal healing lodge.

WOODSTOCK - The head of the official opposition in Canada Andrew Scheer is encouraging everyone who is outraged with the recent Terri Lynne McClintic news to contact their MP. 

Scheer is working on a motion to change the rules that allowed McClintic to move from a medium security prison to an aboriginal healing lodge in Sasketchewan after being transferred from a medium security prison. 

Woodstock Police Chief Bill Renton was the lead investigator in the Tori Stafford case. He did issue the following statement on the matter. 

"Terri-Lynne McClintic’s move to such a privileged program is unacceptable. I echo the concerns of the nation, I believe the correctional system needs to be predicated on rehabilitation for those who have committed crimes and proven themselves worthy.”

Renton speaking with Heart FM says he understands the outrage locally. 

"I have the same feelings as the majority of the people in the community and the officers who worked on the case. During our Open House on Saturday, many people voiced their concern in the community and yeah, my thoughts are the same." 

Renton says it's tough for the family and our entire community that this story is even in the news right now. 

"Every time it's brought up the family has to live through that pain again, as well as the community, this quite a profound effect on the entire community, so every time it's back into the news and people have to relive the event, it's pretty tough on folks." 

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