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Police Respond to 9 Crashes in 4 Days

Woodstock Police have been busy over the past 4 days responding to 9 different crashes in the friendly city

WOODSTOCK - Woodstock Police have been busy over the past 4 days responding to 9 different crashes in the friendly city.

Remarkable nobody was seriously injured in any of the collisions. Things got started on Friday night with two separate vehicle collisions causing minor vehicle damage and no injuries. Police were called to another crash on Saturday night in the area of Oxford Road 59 and Tecumseh involving a Blue SUV who lost their bumper and fled the scene.

Another crash on Sunday happened in the area of HWY 2 and the 401. A truck hit a light standard and then fled the area. Also on Sunday a large dark coloured pickup truck rear ended a car causing $6,000 in damage on Alice Street.

Then on Monday police responded to 4 collisions including a major one on Norwich Avenue and Juliana Drive. A truck blew a red light and hit the 71 year old driver of a Toyota SUV. Both the driver and the passenger in the SUV had minor injuries and the crash caused about $30,000 in damage. The 57 year old driver of the truck was charged under the Highway traffic act with Red Light- fail to stop.

The other three crashes on Monday happened on Knightsbridge Road, Wilson Street and the area of Graham St. and Riddell St. Police say it is amazing nobody was seriously injured in any of these collisions over the past four days.

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