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Prom Committee Donates To The All Dressed Up Organization

All Dressed Up (2019)

All Dressed Up is a charity run by the Oxford OPP and Woodstock Police, providing graduating students with free prom dresses, shoes and accessories every year so they can look their best during prom season.

OXFORD COUNTY - The WCI Red Devils and School Secondary Catholic Notre-Dame committee has made a generous donation to the All Dressed Up organization.

All Dressed Up is a charity run by the Oxford OPP and Woodstock Police.

Every year they provide graduating students with free prom dresses, shoes and accessories, so everyone in the County can look their best during prom season.

Constable Michelle Murphy is one of the organizers of All Dressed Up, she says it was amazing for the prom committee to make this donation. 

"I got an email from a graduating student from WCI who had been part of the 2020 prom committee and of course due to COVID, there prom was ended before it even started. They had been raising funds since the beginning of the year and as a group, they decided that would donate their funds to our All Dressed Up program, which have been doing since 2007 to help grade 8 and grade 12 graduating girls in Oxford County."

Murphy says they were thrilled to receive the donation from the prom committee, which includes both schools, as the graduating class at Notre Dame is fairly small. Murphy says they always have plenty of gorgeous dresses available and are hoping to put the call out for donations again in the New Year.

"We hope that it happens and we always have a great selection of dresses. We have upwards of 700 dresses that we have been able to accumulate over the years. We always get recent and fashion forward dresses and this cash donation allows us to dig a little deeper and help in other areas." 

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