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Protecting Your Plants from Frost

Gardeners across Oxford County woke up to a frosty surprise this morning.

Gardeners across Oxford County woke up to a frosty surprise this morning.  Heart FM spoke with the Co-owner of Red Barn Berries Sue Hillborn who says luckily the frost didn't cause a lot of damage on their farm. It did impact a few of the blossoms but really didn't cause much damage as the strawberries hadn't started to bloom yet. As for the asparagus it did slow them down a bit but did not cause any significant damage. She adds if you plan on putting any tender fruits or vegetables in your garden this year to always check the 14 day forecast before putting them in the ground. The best advice is to always until after the Victoria Day long weekend. Hillborn adds it looks like were going to have another cold night next week. Some things you can do if you have already planted is cover your garden with blankets or you can try to water them with a sprinkler during the night.

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