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Province Confirms 1,707 New Cases of COVID-19 This Morning

The Province confirmed 1,707 new cases this morning and 1,373 recoveries and an additional 7 deaths.

ONTARIO - The Province of Ontario has confirmed 1,707 new cases of COVID-19 this morning, bringing the total number of cases in the Province to 118,199. 

The Province confirmed another 7 deaths this morning and the total number of deaths now sits at 3,663. Meanwhile another 1,373 people have made a full recovery, bringing the total number of resolved cases to 100,012.  

The province completed 34,640 tests yesterday. We currently have 645 COVID-19 patients in the hospital with 185 in the ICU and 112 COVID-19 patients on a ventilator. Most of the new cases are coming from area hotspots with 727 new cases in Toronto, 373 in Peel and 168 in York Region.

You can find a complete break down of the Provincial numbers online here. 

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