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Province Confirms 3,166 New Cases of COVID-19 This Morning

Today's numbers are lower then what they should be because of a technical error, impacting data from several Toronto area regions.

ONTARIO - The Province of Ontario has confirmed 3,166 new cases of COVID-19 this morning, bringing the total number of cases in the Province to 486,223. Due to a technical issue, today’s case count may be underreported for the Central East, Central West and Toronto regions.

The Province confirmed 23 new COVID-19 related deaths this morning, bringing the total in Ontario to 8,236. Another 3,875 cases have been labelled resolved, bringing the total number of resolved cases to 444,342. 

The province completed 51,338 tests yesterday. We currently have 1,924 COVID-19 patients in the hospital with 858 people in the ICU and 611 in the ICU on a ventilator.

You can find a complete break down of the Provincial numbers online here. 

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