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Province Confirms 896 New Cases of COVID-19 This Morning

We currently have 7,669 active cases of COVID-19 in Ontario after the Province confirmed 896 new cases this morning and 796 recoveries.

ONTARIO - The Province of Ontario has confirmed 896 new cases of COVID-19 this morning, bringing the total number of cases in the Province to 74,715. 

The Province reported 9 new deaths related to COVID-19 today and the total now sits at 3,127. Meanwhile another 796 people have made a full recovery, bringing the total number of resolved cases to 63,919.  

The province completed 41,008 tests yesterday. We currently have 314 COVID-19 patients in the hospital and 75 are in the ICU. Most of the new cases are coming from area hotspots with 314 new cases in Toronto, 173 in Peel, 115 in York Region and 92 in Ottawa. 

You can find a complete break down of the Provincial numbers online here. 

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