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Province Launches Web Portal Seeking Help to Fight COVID-19

After receiving over 14,000 submission through the Ontario Together web portal, the provincial government is calling for more help from businesses.

ONTARIO - The Province is seeing businesses and private citizens step up amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

Premier Doug Ford launched the Ontario Together web portal on March 21st and to date they have received over 14,000 submissions.

They're seeing everything provided from hand sanitizer gowns and coveralls, to masks and face shields, testing equipment and ventilators.

Premier Ford says they're looking for more help.

"Since our initial call to action was issued, we have had a tremendous response from Ontario businesses. These go-getters have stepped up in a big way to support our frontline workers with medical supplies and equipment, and many more are coming forward with a variety of innovative solutions. We have mobilized our manufacturing firepower and are converting it into Canada's manufacturing workshop. But we need to enlist even more of our entrepreneurial leaders in order to stop this virus in its tracks."

The online portal was setup to appeal to Ontario's manufacturers, entrepreneurs and innovators to provide essential supplies and equipment to support front line workers in their fight against the pandemic.

Over 7,500 emergency supply submissions have generated nearly $90 million in purchases of critical equipment and supplies, including 5.1 million gloves, 20 million masks, 250,000 face shields and 50,000 units of clip-on hand sanitizer for OPP officers.

Minister of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade Vic Fedeli says businesses responded immediately when the web portal launched.

"When we put out the call to the business community for help, they quickly mobilized to meet the need for essential supplies and personal protective equipment. It's heartening to see how many made-in-Ontario solutions have been offered to directly help those on the frontlines. This incredible response demonstrates the strength of the Ontario Spirit in our business community and world-class manufacturing sector."

The Province recieved over 1,200 submissions for the first three challenges to support the delivery of mental health solutions to vulnerable populations, ensure the strength of our supply chains and deliver financial advice to the small business community.

The next challenge will call for ideas on how to support remote learning, with new challenges posted to the Ontario Together web portal on a regular basis.

All submissions received through the portal are being reviewed and prioritized to focus on solutions that can respond to where the need is greatest and can be implemented quickly.

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