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Provincial Election Talks Begin

The People's Guarantee from Provincial PC leader Patrick Brown promises help for the middle class and a strong commitment for mental health.

OXFORD COUNTY - The Ontario PC party has unveiled their platform for the upcoming Provincial election. 

Local MPP Ernie Hardeman says the People's Guarantee lays out our vision and our plan to bring change to Ontario. He says this platform will help a lot of people in Oxford County. 

"If we look around at what's been happening for the last year or so, the people of Ontario do seem to be ready for a chance and I think when they look into this platform they will look at that as being a positive change." 

In his speech to Party members, Brown highlighted five achievable measures an Ontario PC government would take:

- 22.5% lower income taxes for the middle class
- A 75% refund of child care expenses
- 12% more off your hydro bill
- The largest mental health commitment in Canadian provincial history
- The first-ever Trust, Integrity and Accountability Act

Hardeman says that Brown has promised to come through on these five guarantees. 

"In the end, platforms are just politicians’ words. The People’s Guarantee is different. Patrick Brown has promised not to seek a second mandate if these five guarantees aren't reached. The People’s Guarantee is a plan to make life more affordable for everyone, and I am proud to add my signature to that guarantee. At the same time we are investing in priorities that matter to people, such as mental health. It’s time for change that works for Ontario."

The Liberal party does not agree saying the Brown plat form does not add up. 

They issued a release saying the province has a progressive income tax system. 

"This means that we pay different income tax rates depending on the amount of money we make. Since Patrick Brown is only proposing to change the income tax rate in the first and second tax bracket, the overall amount of income tax paid by Ontarians won't go down by the amount he claims. No matter what your income level, you will not see a 22.5% reduction in the amount of income taxes paid." 

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