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Public Meeting on Water & Sewer Rates Tonight

Local Heart FM News

Water and waste water rates are on the rise in Oxford County.

But by how much largely depends on where you live, and how much work is being done to update the infrastructure in your system.

Ingersoll for example, is set to go up 6% for water next year, and 10% for waste water.  In Woodstock, it's 2% for water and 4% for waste water.

Tonight, Oxford County Council is opening the rates up to questions and concerns from the public.

CAO Peter Crockett isn't sure what the turnout will be like.  "We've had information out to the public for the last month or so, we've had some contact with the business community.  So we're hoping there's at least going to be some out, that any issues do come forward so we can address them, take a look, and figure out where the rates should go at the end of the day."

Tonight's meeting starts at 7PM.

If you can't make it, the County has a new on-line portal called "Speak Up Oxford", where residents can voice concerns. 

Click here to see the proposed increases for your system.

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