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Raising Awareness on How Heart Disease Impacts Women

February is Heart Month and it is a great time to raise awareness about heart disease. The Heart and Stroke Foundation has been busy hosting several events and fundraisers in the Region.

OXFORD COUNTY - Every five minutes, one person dies in Canada from heart disease or stroke. 

February is Heart Month and the Heart and Stroke Foundation has hosted a number of local events to raise awareness. Community Fundraising Manager for our region, including Oxford County, Sara Felse says they have been doing a lot work promoting Heart Month locally. 

"We actually just had our chili Heartburn day over in Stratford and that was a huge success, but we also do have things like Jump Rope For Heart, we have about 15 schools jumping in the Thames Valley School Board. We have an event coming up on May 13th in Woodstock with the Big Bike and we have something called My Own Fundraiser and it allows people to raise funds, the way they want to fundraise." 

Felse says they have gotten a lot of support from the Oxford County community.

"We have about 75 canvassers in Oxford County who have been out canvassing during Heart month that have been raising funds for research and health education, so want to give them a big shout out as well for going out in the cold weather and big thank you to everyone who has donated at the door." 

One thing they want to promote this year is the impacts that heart disease has on woman.

"Heart disease and stroke are the number one cause of premature death in women, women unfortunately continue to be under researched, under diagnosed, under treated, under supported and under aware of their risks. Women are 10 times more likely to die from heart disease and stroke related conditions than they are from breast cancer." 

You can find more information about heart disease and ways you can prevent it and recognize the signs online here

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