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Housing Crisis Addressed at ROMA Conference

Oxford County was involved in seven delegations at last week's ROMA Conference, including one with Municipal Affairs and Housing.

OXFORD COUNTY - Municipal Housing and Affairs was one of seven delegations Oxford County participated in at the 2020 ROMA Conference in Toronto. 

Warden Larry Martin says they wanted to give an update on how they're addressing the housing crisis across the region and Ontario.

"One of the examples that we used was we held the housing forum last February in London and from that forum that we held, there's now a developing strategy in place that we're working on. And he actually wanted us to share that with him so we'll be doing that in the near future, get it out and going."

Warden Martin added they were able to get $12 million through leveraging with federal, provincial, municipal and private funding for attainable housing. As a result, they'll end up with over 386 affordable housing units worth over $75 million. 

Half of these units are being constructed through the County's Build Better Program.

The County is requesting the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing Steven Clark to continue to support MMAH staff in their endeavours to support Oxford’s housing strategy efforts.

In addition to the housing crisis, he says one of their discussions was about broadband internet service.

"And of course we had to indicate that we're still hoping for the high-speed broadband to rural areas and hoping that they keep going along with that."

He adds the second phase of the Southwestern Ontario Integrated Fibre Technology (SWIFT) program is a go, according to Premier of Ontario Doug Ford who made the announcement at the ROMA Conference. Warden Martin says the County is now looking ahead to the third phase.

The municipal conference was held in Toronto over a two-day period, running from January 19th - 21st.

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