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Oxford D.A.R.T. launches a new social media campaign to address sexual violence

OXFORD COUNTY - The Oxford Domestic Assault Review Team is launching a social media campaign in an effort to address sexual violence in the County.

The campaign is centred around #rightthing and will be used in Public service announcements, Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. 

Program Manager of a Family Violence Counselling Program, Giselle Lufallah says they are asking anyone who is a victim of or knows someone who is a victim of sexual violence to step up and report it. 

"That whole campaign is really drawing awareness around trying to keep our community safe, trying to provide safety in relationships and to work together to end violence against women, children and men."

 Lufallah says residents can move from being an observer to being an ally for those being victimized.

Lufallah says by identifying the inappropriateness of sexualized jokes helps to promote safety in the community. 

"A lot of victims don't come forward when they have been sexually assaulted feeling that it might be their fault or feeling that they wont be believed or afraid of the system response so that really compounds a sense of hopelessness or identifying that they don't have a great deal of options available to them."

In addition to the social media campaign, posters with the hashtag will be circulated throughout the County. 

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