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Roads Department Open Houses

If you ever wondered what the Roads Operation and Maintenance team at Oxford County does, now is your chance.

It's Public Works week and they are having a number of events in Oxford County.

Today they are honouring the Roads Operation and Maintenance team with Open Houses at the Springford Patrol Yard, Highland Patrol Yard and the Drumbo Patrol Yard. The Open Houses run from 3 - 7 pm tonight.

Manager of Roads Operations and Fleet Supervisor Scott Boughner tells Heart FM what they do for the County.

"We maintain all of the County roads in Oxford County and that includes regular maintenance, grass cutting, pothole repairs, crack sealing and in the winter we do the winter maintenance, so the plowing, salting sanding, things like that."

Boughner says they will have equipment on display at each of the yards and encourages everyone to stop by for the Open Houses.

"And at each of the yards we do have equipment on display and whatever equipment isn't at that yard we do have photo's of them with descriptions of what they are actually used for."

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