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Royal Road Rededicated

The Royal Road Ravens celebrated their official rededication ceremony on Friday. The new school merged students from Princess Anne and Victory Memorial to a school of close to 400. The renovations cost close to 6-million dollars. Some of the new features included a new gym, more class rooms, and a general arts room. The celebration featured the primary choir singing the song "We can make a difference", which received a huge applause from the crowd. Principal Anne Marie Luce said, "We have extremly strong parental support and I was overwhelmed by the response by people being here with us today." She added "It just speaks to how important the school is in the community." Director of Education for the Thames Valley District School Board, Bill Tucker was in attendance, and he thanked the school community and town of Ingersoll for all their support. Tucker engaged the students by asking them how the school has improved and some of the responses included: new friends, air conditioning and as a joke...better teachers.

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