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Safety Training

Execulink CEO Ian Stevens gives cheque to Red Cross Community Services Coordinator Kelly Farrell

A donation from Execulink to Red Cross & CES will promote safety for young workers.

Teaching high school students how to stay safe on the job -- that's one of the driving factors behind a donation made today to the local branch of the Canadian Red Cross.

Execulink Telecom donated $6795 to the Red Cross and Community Employment Services to deliver Emergency First Aid and WHIMIS training in local high schools.

Execulink CEO Ian Stevens tells Heart FM, "Execulink focuses its giving towards youth in our communities.  We're very pleased to support the Red Cross.  I learned both First Aid and life saving skills through the Red Cross program as a kid, so I'm very pleased to be able to contribute today."

Red Cross Community Service Coordinator Kelly Farrell says the training is for students who are ready to go out into the workforce on a co-op placement, or summer job.  "The young workers are the most vulnerable workers in any workplace.  So we plan to educate them and give them the skills required to lead an injury free life."

The classes will delivered at all local high schools over the next two months, starting with Huron Park on Monday.

But Stevens says this is training everyone should have, in the case of an emergency.  "Whenever you get into a situation, and everyone will in their life, it's good to know you've learned something and you're not just guessing."

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