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Senior Spring Fling a Success


The Chartwell Oxford Gardens retirement residence was host to a Spring Fling Prom. The event was a school project that WCI students organized to create a connection with the two generations.

WOODSTOCK - WCI students danced away with seniors at the Spring Fling Senior Prom at the Chartwell Oxford Gardens retirement home.

The event saw seniors and students dance to different eras of music yesterday afternoon.

Organizer Shelby Moodie says she was proud to see such a great turnout.

"I'm pretty proud of it, honestly, and I'm pretty sure all the other organizers are as well. I think it's a super interesting thing to have going on with all of the students, the students seem like they're really enjoying themselves and a lot of the seniors here are also super happy. So I think it's just created a super happy, proud kind of environment."

The prom featured modern music, along with songs from the 1940s and 1950s, a photo booth and a prom king and queen presentation.

Moodie says the event was a school project that her and another classmate came up with to create more of a connection with the two generations.

"It's a project. So in our leadership class we have a project called the Purpose Project and we are instructed to go in the community and make a difference. So that's when the idea of building the connections of the seniors and the teenagers in our community came to plan, so this is for a project for the WCI students."

She says she hopes other classes can continue this initiative in the future.

"So we do have a few Grade 11 students here that have actually offered to take it up when we graduate and we have all the planning process already organized, so when they want to do it next year it's a lot easier for them to reach out to companies for donations with the letters already formed. This is something that we hoped that happens forever. We have had a lot of fun organizing it, having a lot of fun today. And we've also heard a lot of places in London who have also had this and had great success, so we really hope it continues on forever."



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