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Seven Year Old Hosting Donation Drive for The Inn

A seven year old Beaver from Woodstock is trying to get his North Star by hosting a donation drive for Oxford County's only homeless shelter.

WOODSTOCK - A seven year old from Woodstock is organizing a donation drive for The Inn, Oxford's Homeless shelter.

Rhyder Moore will be collecting blankets, clothing, new socks and personal hygiene products for both men and women. They are also looking for cleaning supplies, air fresheners, garbage bags, laundry soap, non perishable food items, coffee, teas, microvable food, cream and easy to prepare food. 

Trevor Hendershott with Beaver Scouts Woodstock says Rhyder is trying to get his North Star.

"So when they become a 3rd year Beaver, they get to decide if they want to work towards the North Star award, which is the highest award a Beaver can receive before they move onto their next age group." 

Hendershott explains why Rhyder chose the Inn. 

"So he came forward with the idea of helping the Inn, here in town and because it runs all year round right now, they need more donations so it really worked out well. He has contacted the Inn to see what they actually need and he even set up a rain date of June 29th." 

You can drop off the items to Rhyders House at Tennyson Street this Saturday from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm. Rhyder will also some lemonade on hand for anyone who donates. 

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