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Shoot For The Cure

The early bird entry deadline for the Canadian Cancer Society's road hockey tourney is this Sunday.

WOODSTOCK -- It's a tournament for the serious road hockey players or those just looking to have some fun.

The Oxford County branch of the Canadian Cancer Society is hosting Shoot For The Cure, a 3-on-3 road hockey tournament Saturday September 27th in the parking lot of the Woodstock Civic Centre.

Fundraising Coordinator Tracy Bucholtz says they are looking for teams of no more than five to register for this brand new fundraising event. "We have three divisions so we've got a kids division and that's any kid from 8 years-old to 12 years-old and then anybody who's 13 years-old and up will be in the adult tier and we've got a competitive tier and a fun tier."

The tournament will include children's activities and food vendors as well as the chance to win an autographed hockey stick from Jake Muzzin.

All teams that sign up by Sunday, August 24th will be entered into an Early Bird draw to win half of their team’s entry fees back.

Bucholtz points out that the event is in need of volunteers to help with the games and other activities planned for the day.  If you are interested in volunteering some time, call the Canadian Cancer Society office in Woodstock at 519-537-5592.

Click here for event details and online registrations.

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