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Smoke & CO Alarms Available for Homes in Need

Photo Credit: Lukasz Kasprzyk, Woodstock Fire Department

If you need a new smoke and carbon monoxide alarm, you can stop by the Woodstock Fire Department.

WOODSTOCK - The Woodstock Fire Department is looking to possibly put a new smoke alarm into your home.

Thanks to a donation from Enbridge Gas and the Public Fire Safety Council, a shipment of carbon monoxide and smoke alarms is ready to find their way into new homes. 

Lisa Woods, Public Information Coordinator with the Woodstock Fire Department, says there are around 50 alarms still available, saying every home needs one.

"Smoke alarms are required on every floor of your home and, where there's a bedroom, it needs to be near the bedroom, so that we know in the middle of the night you're gonna wake up. Carbon monoxide alarms, at the moment, are only required on the levels that you sleep."

She says the department is currently targeting the homes of seniors, but adds they're readily available for any home that needs one.

The alarms were donated as a part of Project Zero, which focuses on reducing the amount of fire and CO-related deaths by making sure no home is without a smoke alarm. 

Woods says, that while they're available to anyone who needs them, it's important to know theirs are battery-powered and not hard-wired.

"Battery-powered alarms will not replace a hard-wired alarm. Hard-wired alarms do have to be replaced with other hard-wired alarms, but if you know someone or you yourself would like to receive this, we are more than happy to accommodate."

The 10-year lithium battery-powered alarms can be picked up at the fire hall located at 1203 Parkinson Road between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.

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