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Sobeski Concerned for City's Slot Revenues

Woodstock's Mayor is concerned the city could eventually lose out on their prized slot machine revenue. The Ontario Government recently put Ontario's Horse Racing industry on notice that they are looking to claw back the 20 per cent slot revenue that the industry gets from the slots. Pat Sobeski told city council during budget deliberations on Thursday night, he wouldn't be surprised to see the province come asking cities for their 5 per cent as well. "Certainly the government has indicated they are targeting it. It would be naive for me to say 'Oh, our portion won't be touched.'" Woodstock collects around 1.2-million dollars a year. That money is currently earmarked to go to the Woodstock Hospital, the YMCA, Community Grants and road projects. Sobeski says council needs to start thinking about how they would make up that shortfall.

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