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Some Consider Federal Budget's Gender Measures A Good Starting Point

"This is really a band-aid at this point in time. It certainly is welcome but more is definitely needed."

The Executive Director of the Women's Employment Resource Centre is voicing her opinion when it comes to the recently announced Federal Budget. Maggie McDonald believes the budget's announcements surrounding gender and equality are a step in the right direction, but more needs to be done.

The budget features a $2.7 billion boost to skills training programs to help increase participation from under represented groups, including women.

The Liberals also announced a plan to open up new subsidized child care spaces nationwide by 2019. McDonald says this is a good start.

"This is really a band-aid at this point in time. It certainly is welcome but more is definitely needed."

The maximum parental leave will also be extended to 18 months instead of 12 months. Maggie McDonald tells Heart FM this will mostly benefit women with a stronger income.

"When you collect the EI (Employment Insurance) it's 55 percent. Women who are at the lower end if you stretch those 12 months over 18 months either women don't qualify for the EI or it's not enough for them to take through."

Instead of receiving 55% of their income on a weekly basis parents on an 18 month leave will only receive 33%.

The budget will also dedicate $101 million to help address gender based violence over the next 5 years. McDonald says this is good news for everyone.

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