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South West Hospitals Working Together to Resume Services

South West hospitals including Ingersoll and Tillsonburg are working closely together to reintroduce services for scheduled surgeries and procedures.

INGERSOLL/TILLSONBURG - The Hospitals in Ingersoll and Tillsonburg are making plans for resuming scheduled surgeries and procedures.

Last week, the Government of Ontario announced that hospitals may begin slowly opening up for scheduled surgeries and procedures that were paused because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Resuming services will depend on meeting certain conditions as outlined in the Province’s framework for resuming scheduled care. Plans are being regionally developed and will begin by addressing patients with the highest acuity needs.

Along with their community healthcare partners, South West hospitals are working together to ensure the following:

- A sustained commitment to support long-term-care;
- Adequate supplies of personal protective equipment;
- Enough supplies of drugs for surgeries;
- The ability to reduce activity quickly should there be a re-emergence of multiple cases of COVID-19 positive patients;
- The evaluation and use of different approaches to care (i.e. virtual care and clinical innovations); and 
- The potential for having patients and their care team travel for care.

Hospital leaders understand the significant impact these changes have on patients and families and are committed to doing everything they can to resume care in the safest and most thoughtful way.

A timeline for the reintroduction of services has yet to be determined; however, resuming postponed care will take time and will occur slowly over many weeks and months. Patients will receive notice directly from their hospital or physician as services resume.

CEO, St. Joseph’s Health Care London and Hospital Lead, South West Region Dr. Gillian Kernaghan says they are working hard to accommodate everyone. 

"We understand the significant impacts this has on our patients and their families and we acknowledge the anxiety and uncertainty associated with these delays. Hospitals are working quickly and collaboratively to develop a nimble and responsive plan to reintroduce services and ensure the safety of our patients, residents, families, physicians and staff across the South West." 

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