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Southwestern Public Confirms 2 New Cases of COVID-19 Today

2 new cases today can been viewed as a positive after the region accounted for over 10% of the new cases in Ontario yesterday. We currently have two COVID-19 patients in the ICU in Tillsonburg and Woodstock.

OXFORD/ST.THOMAS/ELGIN - Southwestern Public Health has confirmed another 2 new cases of COVID-19 today and 2 more recoveries.

The region currently has 79 active cases, which is a huge spike over the past two weeks. On July 20th, we only had 6 confirmed active cases, with 0 in Oxford County. Here is the complete breakdown of active cases right now according to Southwestern Public Health:

Aylmer - 42

Bayham - 18

St. Thomas - 3

Tillsonburg - 9

Norwich - 6 

To date, the Health Unit has tested 17,872 people for COVID-19. We have 180 cumulative confirmed cases, 86 cases have been resolved, 5 people have died from the virus and we currently have 79 active cases. We have also have had four institutional outbreaks since the pandemic was declared. Three of the outbreaks are listed as resolved. Southwestern Public Health did declare a fourth outbreak today at the Terrace Lodge in Aylmer after a staff member tested positive for the virus. No residents at Terrace Lodge have tested positive at the time of this publication. We currently have two COVID-19 patients in the ICU at the hospitals in Woodstock and Tillsonburg. 

You can find a complete rundown of the numbers online here. 

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