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Southwestern Public Confirms 5 New Cases of COVID-19 Today

Southwestern Public Health confirmed 5 new cases of COVID-19 today and 5 additional recoveries, meaning we still have 18 active cases in the region, including 11 in Oxford County.

OXFORD/ST.THOMAS/ELGIN - Southwestern Public Health confirmed 5 new cases of COVID-19 today and 5 additional recoveries. 

This means we still have 18 active cases in the region, including 11 in Oxford County. Here is the breakdown of the locations according to Southwestern Public Health. 

Woodstock - 3

Ingersoll - 3

Tillsonburg - 2

Norwich - 2

South-West Oxford - 1

St. Thomas - 3

West Elgin - 3 

Aylmer - 1

To date we have had six institutional outbreaks at Long Term Care Homes. We currently have two active outbreaks at the Caressant Care Mary Bucke Nursing Home in St. Thomas and Chartwell Gardens in Aylmer. In both cases, no residents have tested positive, only staff members. 5 people from the region have died from the virus. 

The number one symptom that has led to a positive test in the region is a cough, followed by a fever. Other symptoms that have resulted in positive tests include fatigue, headache, sore throat, shortness of breath and nasal congestion just to name a few. 17% of people who have tested positive in our region were asymptomatic. We currently do not have any COVID-19 patients in the hospital. 

You can check out the new database from Southwestern Public Health online here. 

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