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Southwestern Public Health Reports No New Cases Of COVID-19

Southwestern Public Health is reporting no new cases today. As of this morning, Oxford County has a total of two cases and Elgin and St.Thomas also has two cases.

OXFORD/ELGIN/ST.THOMAS - There are no new cases in the Southwestern Public Health region as of this morning.

Right now, Oxford County has two active cases, both of which are in Woodstock.

And Elgin and St.Thomas has two cases overall. St.Thomas and Malahide have one case each.

3,477 people have been tested for COVID-19 and there are 63 culminative confirmed cases with four deaths and 55 resolved cases.

There have been two institutional outbreaks since the start of the pandemic, both occurring in Elgin County, and they have since been resolved.

You can go here to see a complete breakdown of the numbers.

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