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Southwestern Public Health Reports One Recovery In Blandford-Blenheim

UPDATE: Southwestern Public Health confirmed earlier today an active case that was previously reported in Blandford-Blenheim has turned out to be a false positive.

UPDATE: Southwestern Public Health confirmed earlier today an active case that was previously reported in Blandford-Blenheim has turned out to be a false positive.

According to the Woodstock Sentinel Review, the local health unit adjusted their website this morning after the resident in Blandford-Blenheim had two negative tests.

As of today, there are no active cases in Oxford County and two cases overall in Elgin County.


OXFORD/ELGIN/ST.THOMAS - There is one recovery in the Southwestern Public Health region today.

There are no longer any active cases of COVID-19 in Oxford County after there was one active case in Blandford-Blenheim.

Meanwhile, Elgin County still has two cases in total.

There have been three institutional outbreaks overall but all of them have been resolved.

To date, there have been 85 cumulative cases with 78 cases resolved and five deaths. 

Since the pandemic began, there have been 8,839 tests completed with 8,707 tests received. 8,622 have come back negative.

You can go here to see the latest report and a full breakdown of the numbers.

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