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Speeding in an Ice Storm

Police clocked a driver doing 136 KM/HR on the 401 near Oxford County in the middle of the ice storm.

The OPP West Region which includes Oxford County responded to hundreds of collision calls during the recent ice storm. 

One of the crashes did result in a fatality in Huron County. Police say we were lucky the storm did not happen during a work week, as many motorists wisely decided to stay off the roads on Saturday and Sunday.

Sergeant Dave Rektor says they were mortified to see people speeding during the middle of an ice storm in Middlesex County on the 401.  

"One of our officers investigating a collision decided to turn his radar on while waiting for a tow truck to hook up to a car and observed two vehicles speeding, one doing a 106 km/hr, the other doing a 136 km/hr in the middle of an ice storm." 

Rektor says the road conditions awful when the officer clocked the speeders, the Highway was a sheet of ice during this time." 

"As a police agency we hear the frequent anthem from folks saying "we need more police" to make our roads safer. The evidence shows us that when drivers use common sense, obey the rules of law in place and adjust their driving to the road and weather conditions, our roads are immediately safer for all. The roadway was glare ice at this location! One would think that seeing a police cruiser with lights activated at a crash site beside a crashed vehicle and tow-truck present would cause a driver to slow down - apparently not!" 

OPP Chief Superintendent John Cain says road safety is a shared responsibly. 

"Road safety is 100% dependent upon all motorists obeying the rules of the road and driving to the road and weather conditions."

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