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Spots Still Available For Curl for Safety Bonspiel

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Grand River Occupational Health and Safety's Curl For Safety bonspiel is on February 22nd running from 9:30 am to 7:30 pm.

WOODSTOCK - Still time to sign up a team for the Curl for Safety Charity bonspiel.

Grand River Occupational Health and Safety or OHS is hosting the event and President Wes Mazur says proceeds will go to two different charities. 

"One charity is called Threads of Life and they support families, who have suffered a workplace tragedy and the other charity is My Safe Work. My Safe Work really does the preventative side of this by going to speak to employers, employee's, colleges, universities and high schools, to promote and make champions out of workers in their safe work." 

Mazur says they actually have some local celebrities in the bonspiel with Team Balsdon. 

"We are very pleased that Team Balsdon, which is a National women's team based out of the Woodstock Curling Club is going to be in attendance, they are also going to be supporting, by donating one of their signed jerseys, which we are either going to raffle or auction off."

Rest assured Mazur says you will not have to play against Team Balsdon at the tournament. 

"So what we are going to do, because I have a feeling, Team Balsdon may win the tournament if we let them play together. We are going to separate those very talented ladies and we are going to auction them off, so that your team can bid on, one of the four ladies to play on their team and have some fun and have a ringer on your team." 

Mazur says they are still looking for more sponsors, to help with prizes. All proceeds go directly to the charities. You can sponsor by contacting 519-267-8600 and you can find more information online.

The bonspiel guarantee's each team will be two 6 end draws. It costs $300 per team (4 players per team, with a 5th player allowed for an additional fee of $25) You can also sign up as an individual for $75.00. The bonspiel runs from 9:30am-7:30pm. You can find out how to sign up here

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