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Staying Safe This Long Weekend

Oxford OPP will be preaching safety this long weekend.

The OPP will be targeting the Big Four this Long Weekend.

The big four are speeding, distracted driving, not wearing a seatbelt along with drinking and driving. Officers will be out in full force promoting safety and keeping a close eye on the roads. Sergeant Dave Rektor tells Heart FM why they always focus on safety ahead of the long weekends.

"Every holiday weekend we seem to be seeing the same thing again and again, we want to get the message out that statistically, people are dying on our holiday weekends and the fact remains that all collisions are preventable, the drowning's are preventable and the off road vehicle instances are preventable."

Rektor says they also want to get the message out to motorists to share the road with bikers.

"Well this year alone we are up to four motorcycle fatalities, and in some of the those cases the motorcycle operators are to blame, but it's not just the motorcyclists, there is a lot of good motorcycle operators out there and motorists need to be looking out for the bikes and sharing the road with them."

Rektor says the problems are not just on the highways and they really want to see people staying safe using Off Road Vehicles. Over the past 10 years 69 people have died on an off road vehicle in Ontario and of those 25 were teenagers.

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