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StormFisher Hoping to Expand in Oxford County

StormFisher is feeling right at home in Drumbo and is hoping to expand operations in Oxford County in the near future.

DRUMBO - StormFisher is hoping to expand it's Oxford County operations sometime in the future.

The company specializes in converting organic waste into renewable energy and organic fertilizer. 

It just recently opened a $20-million resource recovery facility in Drumbo back in December and Vice President of Development Brandon Moffatt says things have been going well since then.

"We've been taking in green bin materials from cities such as Stratford as well as our food processing customers here in Southwestern Ontario"

Tim Faveri, the Vice President of Sustainability and Shared Value for Maple Leaf Foods, says StormFisher has played a big role in making Maple Leaf the 'most sustainable protein company on earth.'

"The food industry is often faced with the challenge of disposing packaged foods in a sustainable manner, and StormFisher’s resource recovery facility in Drumbo addresses this issue head on." 

Moffatt says the Drumbo plant currently employs about 5 to 10 people and they're hoping to create more jobs in the future.

"We're looking to increase that over time as we add more infrastructure at the plant. We're excited to be in Drumbo and we've been engaged locally with the community. A lot of our staff live within about 10 to 15 minutes of the facility."

StormFisher's Drumbo facility is a partnership with Generate Capital in San Francisco. It's a sustainable infrastructure company and Moffatt says they have put in a significant amount of capital into StormFisher's facilities in Drumbo and London.

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