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SWPH Reports First Case of Monkeypox

Southwestern Public Health is currently investigating an active case of monkeypox somewhere in the Oxford, Elgin, and St. Thomas regions.

SWPH - Southwestern Public Health is reporting its very first case of monkeypox.

The health unit says it's an active case investigation, so it did not specify exactly where the case was reported. We only know that it's somewhere within the Oxford, Elgin, and St. Thomas regions.

Officials say monkeypox is transmissible through direct contact with lesions, respiratory secretions, or contaminated materials like bedding.

The symptoms include a rash and flu-like symptoms and they usually develop 5 to 21 days after exposure. If you start showing symptoms, health officials say you should self-isolate at home and contact your primary care provider.

People with monkeypox are usually contagious for about a week or two, but the contagious period can sometimes last up to 21 days.

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