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T-Burg Security Breach Came from Oxford County

UPDATE 2: Acting Tillsonburg CAO David Samis has replied, stating: "The Town of Tillsonburg recently spoke to the public about ?security issues,? not about any one activity. This is because we acknowledge that our IT needs are part of a broader issue that includes policy, processes and how IT is managed. For this reason, our review looks at how our IT practices as a whole can be improved. We are at present considering options that would provide us with a longer term planning window and a more robust service that meets our growing needs for information and records management, helps streamline processes, and equips the Town to manage and better understand a range of information security issues." UPDATE: Oxford County has contacted Heart FM about the story, with Director of Corporate Services, Lynn Buchner saying "Our Information Systems staff members are professional and highly trained, and that information safeguarded through the COIN network was secure across the system. All information safeguarded through the COIN network was secure." We're finding out more information about the "security breech" with Tillsonburg's IT system. Robert Musty, President of INS Consulting is accusing the Town's Acting CAO, David Samis, of making false statements about what happened back on October 18th. Samis had stated the town's network was not secure, after an apparent attack on the town's computers, and the firing of INS by the town. But Musty, claims it was his company that flagged the attack, which he says came from outside the town's computer system, through Oxford County. "Statements that the town's network was not completely secure is not correct. The security for the network into Tillsonburg is provided by the County of Oxford through the firewall and through the COIN network." INS traced the attack back to the County of Oxford network in Woodstock. ?We contacted the County to find out what was happening?, explained Musty. Within a few hours County of Oxford staff reported finding ??a computer at that address with a virus installed that was doing network scans.? Further to that they said, ?We have unplugged the computer from the network. Please let us know if any probes continue.? The Internet connection to the County of Oxford network was restored later that same afternoon with no further issues. In follow up, INS Consulting made a number of recommendations to Acting CAO David Samis, the Mayor and Councillors. In an email response Samis responded, ?I have discussed this issue with County staff a number of times, yesterday, last evening and also this morning. I have been assured that the County has strong systems in place to protect information. I will be continuing to look into this further and exploring options.? However, Tillsonburg council canceled the contract of INS in a closed door meeting, on October 24th and brought in KMPG to take control of their computers. Musty says this action included security guards that parked outside of this house, and he claims one of their vehicles followed his daughter from their home. Musty says he's never been informed by the town as to why they canceled his contract after 13-years working with the town, and leaves a bad taste in his mouth. "Well I'm trying to pick up the pieces and figure out what my next steps are. There was a human toll in this, three families have been affected. They're out of a job." Musty had a couple of apprentices working for him. A renewed request today for answers from the town's Acting CAO on the situation have gone unreturned.

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