The Alexandra Hospital in Ingersoll and the Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospital have announced additional measures to combat the COVID-19 pandemic.
INGERSOLL/TILLSONBURG - The Alexandra Hospital in Ingersoll and the Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospital have announced additional measures to combat the COVID-19 pandemic.
Here is the statement from the hospital on limited visiting hours and additional screening:
In an effort to keep our patients, staff, physicians and communities safe, TDMH and AHI announced it will be limiting visiting hours and screening all patients and visitors before they come into the hospital.
Effective Monday, March 16, and until further notice, access to the hospitals will be restricted to the Emergency Entrances. Patients and visitors will be screened before entry to the hospital for respiratory illnesses (including COVID-19). Active screening is necessary to keep our patients, staff, and physicians safe while also identifying those individuals with symptoms and travel history or possible exposure to a COVID-19 positive case.
Visiting hours have also been limited at the hospitals until further notice. Visitors will be limited to one person at a time in the Emergency Departments and two people on inpatient units and only from 10AM to 8Pm. The hospitals will also be taking steps to carefully ramp down elective and other non-urgent clinical activity later today. President and CEO of TDMH and AHI says they will be contacting patiens over the coming days who may be impacted by cancellations.
"If you are uncertain if your appointment is impacted we ask that you contact the hospital. COVID-19 is unlike anything we have seen before in healthcare. Our number one priority is the safety of our patients, staff and physicians as well as the health of our communities."
Cheryl Pfaff, Chief Nursing Officer said these measures are not permanent.
"I want to assure the public that these measures are temporary and will be relaxed as the pandemic subsides."
To date, there are no COVID-19 positive cases at the hospital.
If a community member suspects they may have been exposed to COVID-19, they are asked to phone Public Health: 1-866-522-9200 or Telehealth: 1-866-797-0000 for further instruction. You should only go to the hospital if your symptoms are severe or a health professional has advised you to do so.
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