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The Take Home Naloxone Program Saves Lives in Oxford County

The Take Home the Naloxone program can help save someone's life during an overdose as they wait for help to arrive.

The Take Home Naloxone program in Oxford County will be celebrating two years soon and it has already saved lives.

Public Health Nurse Lisa Gillespie says she could see a real need for the program as opiates are known to be a drug commonly abused in Oxford. "The Take Home Naloxone program basically trains individuals who are at risk of an overdose to hopefully prevent an overdose in the first place, but also to recognize the signs of an overdose and to intervene if they witness someone having an overdose and inject naloxone."

The program has already proved its worth according to Gillespie. "It's being used quite widely across Ontario and I know there have been many success stories where people have intervened quickly and injected naloxone and saved a life. We know of two times in Oxford county that the kits have been used and reversed the overdose and save a person's life."

When Oxycotin was removed from Canadian markets, many people who had been abusing the drug switched to more dangerous substances like fentanyl, making the need for this program even greater.

Gillespie hopes people will continue to talk about the program and that those who could benefit from it seek out the available help. "Overdose unfortunately is a big issue in Oxford County, and Ontario, and Canada. And the more we talk about it, hopefully people will get the help they need to prevent these deaths that don't need to happen."

The program also teaches clients how to do perform chest compressions and rescue breathing in the event of an emergency.

To learn how you can get involved with the program call Oxford County Public Health: 519-539-9800.

You can also learn more about the program HERE

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