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"There Is Help Available"

Domestic Abuse Services Oxford offers support and safety for women and children in crisis.

WOODSTOCK - Domestic Abuse Services Oxford offers a range of services for women and children in Oxford impacted by domestic abuse and homelessness. 

They have counselling, short term emergency shelter, transitional support and they have a 24 hour crisis line. All of their services are free and confidential and they have offices across the County. Executive Director Rhonda Hendell tells Heart FM they get about 2000 calls a year and about 77 women stayed in their shelter. 

"The shelter had residents ranging in age from newborn - we had a young woman stay with us who gave birth while she was with us and she came back here after the hospital with her baby and the oldest resident we had here was 85." 

Hendell said they helped over 400 women last year as well with their community based counselling. She offers this advice if you suspect a loved one is being abused. 

"Ask if she wants to talk about it, if she doesn't, leave the door open. If she does talk about it, believe her when she tells you what's going on with her life. Offer support and tell her about the support in the community - there is help available." 

You can call the 24 hour crisis line if you need help at 1-800-265-1938 and you can find more information online here. 

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