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Thib Appointed Regional Commander for West Region OPP

Dwight Thib is the new Regional Commander for the West Region OPP.

LONDON - The West Region OPP, which includes Oxford County, has a new Regional Commander.

Chief Superintendent Dwight Thib has accepted the position. He has been in policing for 39 years serving the North East and North West Regions. Thib started out with the New Liskeard Police Service in 1982 and joined the OPP in 2007. He has held a number of different roles, including the OPP North West Regions Manager of Criminal Operations. Since he has served as the Director of Operations and Support for North West Region.

Chief Hib says he will work hard to create a positive work environment for OPP West Region's approximately 1,400 uniform members and civilian staff.

"I am committed to supporting our members by ensuring we have a safe, inclusive workplace and a healthy and resilient workforce. My focus will be on their personal and professional development." 

Thib has always been a strong proponent of community policing and building partnerships in an effort to foster safe and healthy communities. He will be moving to the area with his wife Verina in the very near future. 

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