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Tillsonburg To Try Transit Pilot Project

A pilot project in Tillsonburg is looking to help factory workers get to and from work at a less expensive rate. With the help of Why Wait Taxi, factory workers will be offered the opportunity to meet up at Tim Horton locations around the town before their shift and then pile into a passenger van that will take them right to their factory for just $4 a ride, instead of the $18 it's costing currently. Employment Retention Specialist with the Multi-Service Centre, Phil Gravelle says the project could start as early as Monday at a certain plant in the town. "95% of the plants have this information; one plant has already five people that take taxis and that's $18 a day per person. So we're going to do this as five people splitting the $20 cost at $4 each, one way. So $8 a day for there and back instead of $18 a day". The full program is set to roll out September 30. Each route will begin at a Tim Horton location in the town. For more information email Phil Gravelle at pgravelle@multiservicecentre.com.

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