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Tillsonburg Welcomes New CAO Kyle Pratt

After a month on the job, the new CAO for the Town of Tillsonburg is settling in nicely.

TILLSONBURG - The Town of Tillsonburg has a new CAO. 

Kyle Pratt started his new position on January 13th and recently served as the CAO for the Municipality of Bluewater and he was also the CAO for the Town of Plympton-Wyoming. 

He also holds a Master of Public Administration (MPA), specializing in Local Government from Western University, along with several professional designations including Certified Human Resources Professional (CHRP), Certified Human Resources Leader (CHRL), Certified Municipal Manager (CMM III), and Certified Municipal Officer (CMO). Right now, he is working on receiving his Economic Development (Ec. D) certification.

Pratt is excited to sit down with council and come up with concrete goals. 

"Some of these items that will be discussed is community engagement, how we can better engage the community, communications, what are the best ways to communicate to residents and get the message out, doctor recruitment, ensuring the right number and types of physicians in our community. Development of a new strategic plan, the Tillsonburg community strategic plan was created in 2014 and many of the goals have been achieved. It is time to revisit the Town's strategic plan and engage the community to see what residents and stakeholders would like to see and how the community will look five 5-7 years from now. Last but not least, review an implementation of the Oxford County service delivery review plan. I am hopeful that through this service delivery review, we can streamline processes, find efficiencies and find innovative ways of providing services so we can assure the best value for each dollar spent." 

He says he is excited to work in Tillsonburg and is really impressed with the town thus far. 

"The Town is beautiful, we have a beautiful main street, we have great community centre, I am excited and I have in the past been to Lake Lisgar with my daughter, we have wonderful services and I can't wait to start using them more often."

Pratt has a spouse named Ashley and two kids, 7 year old Alexa and a 5 month old son named Cash. 

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