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T'is the Season for Fire Safety

The Woodstock Fire Department is preaching fire safety this holiday season.

WOODSTOCK - The Woodstock Fire Department is preaching fire safety this holiday season.

They want to remind everyone of the main causes of fires during the holidays:  

- Cooking is the leading cause of fires during the holidays. Always stay in the kitchen while cooking. 

- Heating equipment is the second leading cause of fires during the holidays. Heating systems and chimneys should be inspected and cleaned annually by a qualified service technician.

- Smoking is the leading cause of fatal fires during the holidays. Butt-out cigarettes in large, deep ashtrays. 

- Alcohol is a factor in approximately one in five fatal fires during the holidays. Drink responsibly during the holiday season.  

The fire department also wants you to make sure to keep your tree hydrated. One spark can light up a dry Christmas tree in seconds. 4 Litres of water a day is what a live Christmas tree would need so that it can stay alive for the entire Christmas and holiday season. 

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