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Town Hall To Focus On Community Safety

Crime prevention will be among the topics discussed during a community safety information session tomorrow night.

PLATTSVILLE - The OPP will be at a Blandford-Blenheim Town Hall meeting in Plattsville.

The information session is on community safety focus, as officers will discuss crime prevention and other topics.

CAO Clerk for the Township of Blandford-Blenheim, Rodger Mordue says it's important for everyone to be more aware on crime prevention.

"I think it's important for everybody to be aware of crime prevention. Things people can do to protect themselves against crime, against fraud. Simple things like locking your doors, locking your car doors and just simple stuff like that and what to keep an eye out for."

Mordue says the information session is a way to keep the public informed and aware of what's going on in their community.

"We all what to crime proof ourselves, right? So it's just a little more information for the public to take away, a few more things to be aware of."

Mordue says Constable Ed Sanchuk will be one of the event's speakers. 

The township is organizing the event in partnership with the OPP. Officers will be presenting different topics like property crime, crime prevention, mental health services and more. 

This will be Blandford-Blenheim's first Town Hall meeting this year and it is free to attend.

The meeting is happening at the Plattsville Community Arena, inside the Lions Hall tomorrow night. It goes from 6:30pm to 8:00pm. 

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