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Traditional Pig Roast Returns

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Ernie Hardeman is looking forward to his next Pig Roast this weekend.

WOODSTOCK - Oxford MPP Ernie Hardeman's annual Pig Roast is coming back to Southside Park.

It will take place at the Boathouse Pavilion tomorrow starting at 4 p.m.

Hardeman explains why he started the tradition over 20 years ago.

"We thought it was important that we had the opportunity for people to talk, bring up some of their concerns and ask questions for people who may not want to call the office and make an appointment. We did it for a year or so and it turned out to be very successful. A lot of people come, I get to talk to a lot of people and address a lot of their concerns."

Hardeman says he looks forward to it every year.

"I try and speak to everyone who comes. When I'm speaking to people they'll say 'this is my first time here' and you ask them why and they say 'well someone told me about it and they said it was a great way to come and see the MPP so here we are.' I think it's the consistency that makes it work so well."

Ontario pork will be served alongside hamburgers, salads and beans.



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