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Trail Proposal Looks Promising

The process to add a loop trail around Pittock Reservoir is in negotiation with the City and the UTRCA.

WOODSTOCK - The loop trail in the works around Pittock Reservoir was discussed at the latest Woodstock City Council meeting.  

If approved the addition would double the parkland to over 600 acres within the Woodstock boundaries. Director of Parks and Recreation, Brian Connors, explained where the process is currently at. "We're right in the middle of negotiations with the Upper Thames River Conservation Authority, so that is kind of the last 100 metres. Now that could be the hardest 100 metres but that's where we are at what. The next time I come to council to talk about this is to say we have a tentative deal in place, but that depends on the next few rounds of negotiations."  

The overwhelming support from the public may be the deciding factor if a trail is to be created, and Connors put forth a presentation to council outlining the benefits this trail will provide. "It would connect 2 parks immediately the North Shore and the South Shore. We'd be looking to get a pedestrian bridge over the damn. The other big piece would be a lot of watercraft, especially the recreational watercraft, not Jet Skis, but canoes that would be able to launch for free on the water."  

Councillor Jerry Acchione commented on how successful the first of several public consultations were. "The public meeting was very good, I heard 70 people were in attendance. It was really good to see so many of the public out. We are going to keep on with the public meetings. It is going to virtually double our parkland, and a trail that you can walk continuously right across the dam to the north side is fantastic." To gain approval the project would need to be passed by Woodstock City Council, and also the Upper Thames River Conservation Authority's Board of Directors.    

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