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Tribal Vision Coming to Oxford County

It's a great opportunity to learn about indigenous culture without hurting your wallet.

OXFORD COUNTY - The First Nations dance group Tribal Vision is coming back to Oxford County.

The group will have two shows on Friday March 17th. The first will take place at 10:15am at the Ingersoll Public Library and the second will kick off at 1pm at the Woodstock Art Gallery. Both of the shows will be free to attend.

Human Services Manager Lynda Bartlett says their last show in Oxford was quite memorable.

"I've never seen so many children so quiet and so focused on a presentation, it was great they really enjoyed it."

Members of the audience also had the chance to participate, whether it was playing an instrument or helping out with the overall presentation.

Tribal Vision is based out of the Six Nations of Grand River Reserve and they have performed all around the world.

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