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Union Gas Support 'Smoke Alarms for Pizza' Program

A donation from Union Gas will help the Woodstock Fire Department with one of their returning educational programs.

WOODSTOCK - The Woodstock Fire Department could be buying you dinner.

Union Gas has made a $1 000 donation to the Fire Department to help with their education program Smoke Alarms for Pizza.

Fire Prevention Officer Jeff Slager says this program has gone over well in the past. "We'll accompany a delivery driver from local pizza points here. When we arrive we'll check the home to see if they have working smoke alarms as per the code depending on the type of home. If all the alarms are present and working, their pizza's on the Woodstock Fire Department, we pay for it. Now if they don't have the required number they have to pay for their dinner - they're already planning to so that's okay - but we'll give them the working smoke alarms that they need to make sure they're up to code."

Last year 10 out of 11 homes were found to be up to code and enjoyed a free dinner. Slager tells us this program ended up being worth far more than the price of pizza. "The one that didn't have the smoke alarm turned out to be a success story for us as well. We had the smoke alarms provided for them and then six weeks later we had an actual fire call to that address. When we got there the residents were outside, they were safe because the smoke alarms that we provided went off, gave them the early warning, they were able the get out, no injuries at all, so that was a great save for us."

Utility Service Manager of Woodstock Kevin Carr says with an initiative like this, you can't put a price on safety. "Union Gas loves to support community efforts and in dealing with the Woodstock Fire Department in previous years we know that they do a lot of good work with the Woodstock community, so any way we can help them we would like to do that."

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