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Updating Woodstock's Multi-Year Accessibility Plan

A meeting at City Hall on Monday will look to update a draft version of the 2018-2022 Muti-Year Accessibility Plan.

WOODSTOCK - An information meeting at City Hall will look to improve a draft version of the 2018-2022 Multi-Year Accessibility Plan. Open to the public, it's a chance to gather ideas on how to finalize the most idealistic policy.

Deputy City Clerk of Woodstock, Chris Gauthier explains the planning process.

"The act requires us that we consult with our accessibility advisory comity, as well as with the public."

Gauthier shares on the importance of receiving feedback.

"It affects the everyday lives of citizens. We're talking about projects that are impacting our parks, recreational trails and services."

The draft can be found here.

The meeting will be Monday, January 15th from 2pm to 4pm at Woodstock City Hall. Gauthier hopes to have a completed final draft by next month.

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