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Vandalizing Election Signs Could Lead to Criminal Charges

According to the OPP no complaints have been received about vandalized signs however Heart FM found one in Woodstock

OXFORD COUNTY- Those thinking about vandalizing election signs, better think again.

Criminal charges can come into play for those planning on defacing the various campaign signs that have filled roadsides in the county.  OPP Constable Lisa Narancsik explains if there has been any complaints yet as Oxford County generally hasn't been prone to vandalized signs.  "We've haven't had any complaints as of yet this year, it doesn't mean that it is not happening we just may not have received the calls yet.  It does happen and every time the election comes around, it is quite common for us to get calls about signs being damaged, or vandalized, or removed too." 

Although no complaints have been received the OPP believe it still can happen before the October 19th election.  Constable Narancsik knows that a wide range of charges could be laid if you get caught.  "There are criminal charges that could come into play.  If the individuals were caught damaging the signs it could be a form of mischief that they are charged which is a criminal code offence.  If they are removing the signs, and actually stealing them there would be a theft charge.  If they are traveling onto peoples property they can be charged under the trespass to property act." 

Constable Narancsik knows this issue all comes down to respect.  "Just be respectful people have the right to post signs, be respectful of other peoples property, and respect the right for them to post their beliefs.  Leave other people's property alone."

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