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Volunteer Firefighter Sessions Happening Tonight in Zorra and SWOX

South-West Oxford and Zorra Township are both hiring volunteer firefighters and are both hosting separate information recruitment sessions tonight.

SOUTH-WEST OXFORD/ZORRA TOWNSHIP - South-West Oxford and Zorra Township are both hiring volunteer firefighters.

This is a paid position and training is provided. South-West Oxford is having an information session tonight, September 1st at the Brownsville Fire Hall (292244 Culloden Line).

Zorra Township is also having an information session tonight at the Thamesford Fire Station starting at 7:00 pm. Zorra will have another session on Wednesday September 15th, again at the Thamesford Fire Station. 

It's recommended that you bring your loved ones with you, so they can also understand how being a volunteer firefighter would affect your personal life.

These information sessions are just that, they will go over the demands of the position and then you can decide if you want to apply. 

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