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Walk For Alzheimers

The first two walk for Alzheimer events in Oxford County are happening this weekend in Tillsonburg and Ingersoll.

Still plenty of time to sign up for the Walk for Alzheimer's events in Oxford County.

All of the money raised at the walks will be used for local programs and services for over 2000 people living with Alzheimer's and other dementia's in Oxford County. Executive Director for the Alzheimer society of Oxford County Shelley Green says this is their biggest fundraiser of the year.

"We are very proud of the generosity and the participation of the residents here in Oxford County and know that this year again will be a great success, we have two other fundraiser's throughout the year with Coffee Break and our golf tournament and they are both significant fundraiser's for us, but by far the walk is our biggest fundraiser of the year in terms of raising money and it also raises a lot of awareness."

Green adds they plan on having live music at all three walks this year and talks about one thing that really makes the event special.

"One of the significant parts of our walks is the Lights of Hope, and that's about half way through our walk we slow down, we dim the lights and we play very special music to help people honour reflect and remember those who are either living with Alzheimer's and dementia today or have dealt with the disease in the past."

The first walks are happening this Saturday in Tillsonburg at the Lions Auditorium from 9-11 am and in Ingersoll at the Unifor Hall from 3-4:30 pm. Still plenty of time to sign up a team for those walks or you can take part in the Woodstock walk happening on Saturday January 30th from 2-4 pm at the Oxford Auditorium.

"One day I picked up the telephone and called the Alzheimer Society of Oxford.  The voice on the other end of the telephone was so gentle and understanding." "I need the help of the staff at the Alzheimer Society of Oxford and you do too if you have a loved one with dementia."

Irene Gibson, Caregiver.

For more Walk information call Sheena Poole, Events Coordinator at 519-421-2466 ext. 224 or 1-877-594-2368 and visit our website at www.alzheimer.ca/oxford

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