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Waste Free Ontario

The Province of Ontario is considering a new bill to become a waste free Province which is right in line with what we are trying to accomplish in Oxford County.

WOODSTOCK - Looks like Oxford County may be ahead of the game when it comes to committing to a zero waste community.

Ontario has now gone through the first reading of Bill 151 the Waste Free Ontario Act. Oxford County Council got a look at the Draft Strategy and the Bill at their council meeting on Wednesday. CEO for the County Peter Crockett tells Heart FM why they brought this report to council.

"We wanted to report to council on those documents, obviously zero waste and renewable energy and sustainability are key issues for council and Oxford County as a whole and we thought it was important to take the report to council and get them to look at and endorse our comments for those two postings."

Committing to a waste free Ontario would reinforce the need for greater compliance and reporting in the Industrial, commercial, institutional sector and advocate waste producers to handle waste in their own geographical area. Crockett says if the Province approves Bill 151 he thinks Oxford will certainly have a leg up on everyone else after already committing to zero waste by 2025.

"I would like to think that we had a major influence on this with councils resolution around the whole issue of zero waste and trying to move things forward, I think we do have a leg up, we know where we want to go, we're not struggling with the issue that, that's where we need to get to, we know that's not an easy climb, but I think it does put us ahead as we have on the energy front and a lot of the sustainability issues on a broader scheme."

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